Astronomy Emporium For Todays New Stargazer.

Astronomy Emporium For Todays New Stargazer.


Astronomy Stargazing, How to get started for Free!

Essential Guide to Stargazing for Beginners

Solar planet K2-18B

Solar planet K2-18B

Welcome to the cosmos! If you've ever gazed at the night sky with wonder and curiosity, you're not alone. Astronomy opens a door to the vast wonders of the universe, and this comprehensive guide is tailor-made for beginners eager to explore the celestial realms. From choosing the right equipment to navigating the night sky, let's embark on a journey through the cosmos together.

Prepare yourself for a spectacular Cosmic Journey with Astronomy Emporium:


Look Up !!!

Look Up !!!

Unlock the Mysteries of the Night Sky and Begin Your Astronomical Adventure.

Embarking on your celestial journey is akin to unlocking the secrets of the night sky, a journey filled with awe, wonder, and the thrill of discovery. Here's a creative guide on how to initiate your venture into astronomy and the captivating celestial objects waiting to be unveiled.

Start Astronomy Stargazing for FREE

My 1st Law of successful Star Gazing is:

                        LOOK UP!!!

Step 1: Naked-Eye Observation

Begin your cosmic exploration with the simplest of tools – your eyes. Find a location away from city lights on a clear night, and let your gaze drift upwards. Marvel at the constellations that have graced the night sky for millennia. Identify familiar shapes, like the Big Dipper or Orion, and let these stellar patterns become your guideposts.

Download Free Stargazing Apps like “STARWALK” to your mobile phone.
Turn on the App and then point your phone at the night sky. The App will tell you exactly what you are looking at and pour out useful information. The App will also show you how to find  planets, star clusters, nebulas, the International Space Station and thousands of other cosmic wonders you never knew existed.
Join online astronomy  forums.
absolutely invaluable for help, tips and tricks from other, more experienced, astronomers.

Key Celestial Objects:
The Moon:A celestial companion that waxes and wanes, revealing its craters and lunar seas through the month.
Planets:Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn often grace the night sky. Venus shines brightly, while Jupiter and Saturn display their majestic rings through even a small telescope. The Red planet Mars can be seen on occasion if you know where to look.
Stellar Clusters:Open clusters, like the Pleiades, glitter like celestial jewels, while globular clusters, such as M13 in Hercules, present tightly packed communities of stars.
Nebulas:Colourful gas clouds filled with bright new stars like Orion's Nebula.
Constellations:Get to know the Star constellations like Orion, Sygnus, Ursa Major (the Great bear or Big Dipper) Leo, Taurus, and Gemini Just to name a few. Understanding the constellations will help you navigate through the night sky to discover hidden gems and deep sky objects that you can see through a Telescope.

Olympus 10x50 DPS My First set of Binoculars. Excellent for “on the go” Star gazing !

Olympus 10x50 DPS My First set of Binoculars. Excellent for “on the go” Star gazing !

Best Binoculars for Astronomy Enthusiasts

Your lightweight Stargazing Sidekick

When I started out in astronomy, some 15 years ago, my wife bought me a pair of Olympus 10x50 DPS Binoculars. These are great “bins”! I still use them today.
just a set of Binoculars opens up the night sky. You can see soooo much more!
when you look up with.  the naked eye, yes, you can see planets, stars and galaxies but when you view the night sky through a set of half decent Binoculars You will see much more.
It’s like looking at the sky in HD.
For example, just take a look at the Severn Sisters through Binoculars  and you will see seven bright stars that make up the Severn Sisters and lots of other stars in the same cluster that you wouldn’t normally see with the naked eye.
In fact, when you look up at any constellation, you will see hundreds of stars that you wouldn’t have seen with just your eyes alone.
Orion‘s nebula is just a smudge with the naked eye. When you look through your binoculars, it becomes a smudge of coloured gases and points of light which are  stars. Many of which that are new born Stars. Nebulas are the birth place of Stars and there are hundreds of Nebulas in our Galaxy .
if you’re lucky enough to live in a dark sky area, with no light pollution, you may be able to look up and see our Milky Way. Even with the naked eye, the Milky Way is a beautiful thing to observe, but take a look at the Milky Way through your binoculars and it bursts into millions of colourful Stars.
Enhance your celestial experience by introducing binoculars into the equation. Binoculars offer a wider field of view than the naked eye, bringing distant objects closer while maintaining the beauty of the surrounding sky.
Celestial Gems for Binocular Observations:
Andromeda Galaxy (M31): A spiral galaxy, visible as a faint smudge, residing over 2 million light-years away.
Orion Nebula (M42):Found in the sword of Orion, this stellar nursery is a stellar masterpiece, even under modest magnification.
Double Stars Albireo in Cygnus, a striking binary star system with one golden and one blue star, is a captivating duo through binoculars.
Binoculars for Star Gazing:
While telescopes are fantastic for detailed observations, binoculars offer a wider field of view, making them excellent for scanning the night sky.
Choosing the Right Binoculars:
Aperture:Look for binoculars with a larger aperture, as this allows more light to enter, resulting in brighter and clearer images.
Magnification: A moderate magnification, such as 7x or 10x, is ideal for astronomy. Higher magnifications may lead to shaky images.
Field of View: A wide field of view is crucial for observing celestial objects. It makes it easier to locate and track various targets in the sky.
Recommended Binoculars:
Orion UltraView 10x50 Wide-Angle Binoculars.
They are the ultimate in eyeglass- and sunglass-friendly binoculars! Their extra-long 22mm eye relief allows the full field of view to be seen with eyeglasses on, simply by retracting the twist-lock rubber eyecups. 
Celestron SkyMaster Series. Known for their quality optics, the SkyMaster series offers various models suitable for astronomy.
Nikon Aculon Series:Nikon's Aculon binoculars are compact, lightweight, and provide excellent image quality for astronomical observations.

Telescope Talk: Your Cosmic Companion

My Latest Telescope: Celestron Starsense Explorer

My Latest Telescope: Celestron Starsense Explorer

Step 3:What are the 5 Best Telescopes for Beginners?
I bought my first telescope from eBay for £150. It was a Skyhawk 114p go-to telescope a part of the Skywatcher series of telescopes.
It had a 4 inch mirror and a handheld device that you could push a button and find over 1000 celestial objects.
Once set up all I had to do was press the button on the handset to find a particular celestial object. 
If I wanted to see Saturn the alt azimuth mount would automatically slew and point to the correct position in the night sky and pinpoint Saturn so that it could be viewed exactly in the centre of the telescopes eyepiece. Absolutely Fantastic!!!
My first view of Saturn through a telescope was absolutely astonishing. I could see the rings of Saturn. The site took my breath away.
Your first view of Saturn or Jupiter with its 4 moons through a telescope is something you will never forget. It is so exhilarating !!! 
As your fascination deepens, a telescope becomes your ticket to exploring the cosmos in intricate detail. Choose a telescope that aligns with your interests and experience level, and let the universe unfold before your eyes.
Key Celestial Wonders Through a Telescope:
Jupiter's Moons: Witness the dance of Jupiter's four largest moons – Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto – as they orbit the gas giant.
Saturn's Rings:The iconic rings of Saturn come into sharp focus, revealing intricate details and providing a sight that has fascinated astronomers for centuries.
The Craters of the Moon: A telescope unveils the lunar landscape in remarkable detail, allowing you to explore the Moon's craters and mountains.
Top 5 Telescopes for Beginners.
1. Celestron AstroMaster Series
The Celestron AstroMaster Series is a perfect starting point for budding astronomers. With easy setup and quality optics, these telescopes offer a fantastic view of the moon, planets, and deep-sky objects. Whether you choose the AstroMaster 70 or 130 model, you're in for a visual treat.
2. Orion SkyQuest Series
Orion has long been a trusted name in the astronomy community, and the SkyQuest series lives up to the reputation. The SkyQuest XT8, in particular, provides impressive views of planets and nebulas, making it an ideal choice for beginners looking to take their stargazing to the next level.
3. Meade Instruments Infinity Series
For those seeking a user-friendly telescope with good performance, the Meade Instruments Infinity Series is a solid option. With various models catering to different preferences, these telescopes offer a great introduction to the wonders of the night sky.
4. SkyWatcher Explorer Series
SkyWatcher Explorer telescopes are known for their quality optics and durability. The Explorer series provides a range of options, ensuring there's a telescope suitable for every beginner. Consider the SkyWatcher Explorer 130 for a well-balanced telescope that delivers excellent views.
5. BOSMA XTEC Series
If you're looking for affordability without compromising on quality, the BOSMA XTEC series is worth exploring. These telescopes are designed with beginners in mind, offering a smooth introduction to astronomical observations.

Telescope Eyepieces: Enhancing Your Stargazing Experience

Astronomy Equipment

Embarking on your astronomy journey requires the right equipment. Here’s a guide to essential tools that will enhance your stargazing experience.
Telescope eyepieces play a crucial role in determining the magnification and field of view of your observations.
Choosing the Right Eyepieces:
• Focal Length: Eyepieces with different focal lengths allow for varying levels of magnification. A selection of eyepieces provides versatility in observing different celestial objects.
• Apparent Field of View: A wider apparent field of view enhances the immersive experience during observations.
• Eye Relief: Especially important for eyeglass wearers, sufficient eye relief ensures comfortable viewing.
Recommended Eyepieces:
• Televue Plossl Eyepieces: Known for their optical quality, Televue Plossl eyepieces are popular among astronomers for their clarity and comfort.
• Explore Scientific 82° Series: Offering a wide apparent field of view, these eyepieces provide a stunning visual experience.
I have a really smart collection of eyepieces that come in a neat carry case so that I can have them all at hand. The case also has a selection of filters for looking at bright objects such as planets and stars.
I used to use the items in the case all the time when I first started stargazing. Some of the good eyepieces are quite expensive. Costing upwards of £50+.
However these days I primarily use just ONE EYEPIECE. Thats right! Just the one. I have a Seban zoom eyepiece. Its fantastic! It goes from 7mm to 21.4mm with just a twist of the top of the eyepiece. Saving the need for me to go searching through my case of many different eyepieces in the dark.
Having just the one , good quality, adjustable, eyepiece saves time and effort and is far more cost effective than paying out for lots of different sized eyepieces.
Great for astronomers just starting out on a budget at just under £25.00

Seban Zoom Telescope Eyepiece

Seban Zoom Telescope Eyepiece

Lee Shephard
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